Overview of the proposed DS-GPLVM.

Overview of the proposed DS-GPLVM.

Download Matlab Code for papers:

[1] S. Eleftheriadis, O. Rudovic, and M. Pantic. "Discriminative shared gaussian processes for multiview and view-invariant facial expression recognition".
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 24(1): pp. 189-204, 2015.  (pdf)
[2] S. Eleftheriadis, O. Rudovic, and M. Pantic. "View-constrained Latent Variable Model for Multi-view Facial Expression Classification".
Int’l Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’14), LNCS, Las Vegas, USA. pp. 292 - 303, December 2014.  (pdf)
Code requirements: 
1. You need to have the gpml matlab package in your matlab path. 2. You also need the minFunc optimization package.
Should you use the code, please cite [1], [2].

Code released as is **for research purposes only** 
Feel free to modify/distribute but please cite [1]. 

contact: s.eleftheriadis@imperial.ac.uk