Yiming Lin

Dr. Yiming Lin


Research fellow



I am a Research Scientist working on Generative AI and avatars at Meta Reality Labs . Previously, I was a staff research engineer at Realeyes where I led the research and development on Face Perception platform, AI Fairness and Responsible AI. Prior to Realeyes, I was research scientist at Meta AI (formerly Facebook AI), where I contributed to multiple products related to face analysis, emotion recognition, and virtual avatar generation. I am also an affiliated honoary research fellow at iBUG , Imperial College London, where I completed my PhD supervsied by Professor Maja Pantic .



Journal articles

Dilated Convolutions with Lateral Inhibitions for Semantic Image Segmentation

Y. Wang, M. Dong, J. Shen, Y. Lin, M. Pantic. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.03708. 2020.

Bibtex reference [hide]
    author = {Y. Wang and M. Dong and J. Shen and Y. Lin and M. Pantic},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.03708},
    title = {Dilated Convolutions with Lateral Inhibitions for Semantic Image Segmentation},
    year = {2020},
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Conference articles

FT-RCNN: Real-time Visual Face Tracking with Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks

Y. Lin, J. Shen, S. Cheng, M. Pantic. FG' 2020 (Oral). 2020.

Bibtex reference [hide]
    author = {Y. Lin and J. Shen and S. Cheng and M. Pantic},
    booktitle = {FG' 2020 (Oral)},
    title = {FT-RCNN: Real-time Visual Face Tracking with Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks},
    year = {2020},
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MobiFace: A Novel Dataset for Mobile Face Tracking in the Wild

Y. Lin, S. Cheng, J. Shen, M. Pantic. FG'2019 (Oral). May 2019.

Bibtex reference [hide]
    author = {Y. Lin and S. Cheng and J. Shen and M. Pantic},
    booktitle = {FG'2019 (Oral)},
    month = {May},
    title = {MobiFace: A Novel Dataset for Mobile Face Tracking in the Wild},
    year = {2019},
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